Climate Heroes

A greener future with reforestation and the strengthening of natural ecosystems in Nicaragua

In the heart of Central America, a reforestation project is born that combines the passion for nature of Dolomiti Superski with the ethics of Altromercato, under the banner of social and environmental sustainability.

Climate Heroes aims to strengthen forest ecosystems and improve the lives of communities in Nicaragua, demonstrating that international collaboration can lead to local solutions for a greener and fairer future for all.


Nicaragua is the second poorest country in Latin America, after Haiti. More than 40 per cent of the population lives in poverty, 15 per cent in extreme poverty and almost one in three children under five suffers from chronic malnutrition. According to data based on a comparison of household income capacity with the so-called international poverty line, Nicaragua has the worst situation in Central America.

Fondazione Altromercato's intervention in Nicaragua is located in a context aggravated by the vulnerability of the population to natural disasters, including droughts, floods, landslides and hurricanes. The beneficiaries of the ‘Climate Heroes’ project are 405 coffee producers, 156 of them women, members of the UCA Soppexcca partner cooperative, in the Jinotega, El Cuá and Bocay area, active since 1997.

Climate Heroes

Climate Heroes is an innovative sustainable development project that will strengthen the agroforestry system of small farmers and increase their income:

  1. By planting coffee varieties that are more resistant to climate change with the aim of increasing productivity by 20%;
  2. Planting thousands of new forest and fruit trees to increase the biodiversity of the fields and the food security of the families;
  3. Soppexcca farmers will also be connected to the ACORN platform (created by Microsoft) that will register the carbon removal units (CRUs) generated by reforestation and the associated carbon credits that can be sold on the voluntary carbon credit market. 
  4. The sale of the carbon credits will guarantee a 20 per cent income improvement for the coffee producers' families, further strengthening the project's long-term sustainability.

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Why support the project?

The "Climate Heroes" project, supported by Soppexcca, aims to improve sustainability in various areas:

  • Transparent monitoring: It uses Microsoft's ACORN platform to scientifically measure and verify the project's impact.
  • Social and relational capital: It strengthens the entrepreneurship of small coffee producers, with a particular focus on the role of women. Partnerships with international fair trade organizations ensure sustainability and adaptation to global regulations.
  • Natural capital: Through agroforestry and agricultural diversification, the project protects the ecosystem, improves productivity, and mitigates climate change.
  • Human capital: The Soppexcca community, composed of 405 members and 16 cooperatives, promotes youth employment and prevents emigration through training and collaboration.
  • Intellectual capital: The know-how in coffee cultivation and management enables efficient business operations while integrating technological innovation.
  • Economic sustainability: The project promotes long-term economic development, based on circular economy principles and renewable resources, generating income for local communities over time.